Selfreflection - AVAION
Selfreflection from AVAION brings the feeling of the musician’s life and conviction into form of art. - Bruno Bevilaqua
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Selfreflection is melancholy from start to finish, with pieces, broken stop the time and always on my mind. All th songs have this characteristic, which makes the album very pleasant to listen to, without having songs that make you feel are disconnect from the album.
Another important point is the fact that the album, as the name suggests, is strictly about the author, you understand, feel and see the author in all the melodies combined with the lyrics, which have a certain depth inserted by the author, either through experience or sheer will.
Personally, AVAION has become one of my favorite musicians for combining pleasant vocals with “electronic” music. Nowadays it’s common for electronic music, especially deep house, to have generic melodies and a high-pitched female voice. AVAION brings the clarity, simplicity and cleanliness (which doesn’t have excessive elements to form the melody) of the deep house style and combines it with his own vocals, which convey the true feeling of the songs.
Seven years ago, AVAION tattooed the words Selfreflection on his arm as a promise that one day that would be the title of his debut album. Oswald - Source.
This album, as I’ve already mentioned, reflects life and what AVAION is all about. There are 15 songs that you can sit still and listen to or dance to (whichever you prefer). For me (as a youngster) it was by far the best debut album by an artist I’ve ever seen. I’m glad to have been able to follow it and that this album is my first written review.
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